Life is hectic. So, when you do get a chance to go hunting, make the most of it and purchase all available licences for the area you're heading to. This way you increase your chance to bring home meat for the freezer. Ready to maximize your hunt?
Prioritize what you'd like to pursue, but also check the regulations to find out what other game might be in season in your hunting area. Say moose is your end goal, but there might be seasons open for deer, elk, upland game birds or waterfowl too.
If you have access to more than one hunting area, choose the destination with the most concurrent open seasons. For instance, if you can't decide on a place to hunt deer, check to see if any areas also offer the likes of an elk draw or other unallocated special licence for big game. All things being equal, pick an area with the most options.
Buy hunting licences early. Get all available licences and tags before the first season even opens. Licence fees are generally marginal in comparison to travel and food costs, yet the opportunity to harvest more game is priceless. You don't want to have an opportunity pass you by because you didn't purchase the appropriate licence.
It might seem daunting, but pack the right gear for all your possible hunting scenarios. For quick retrieval, divide your gear into categories, pack using small duffle bags, and clearly label your ammunition. Be sure to carry all your licenses and tags with you.
Want to lighten up on gear? Streamline! The all-in-one gun sports a standard receiver that can be used with centrefire, muzzleloader, shotgun or rimfire barrels. With clearly identified ammunition at the ready, you can switch from hunting deer to grouse by quick change of the barrel. Another handy shortcut is to pack silhouettes instead of bulky decoys in case you end up waterfowl hunting it just might be the ticket to filling your freezer with great tasting ducks and geese.