We’ll tell it to you straight: if you’re after blue grouse this winter, you have your work cut out for you. Be ready to walk, and walk some more. And then you get to climb! Although it’s nice they live in Alberta’s foothills and mountains, come winter, they love high elevations. No matter how far up roads will take you, you’re in for a hike.
Still up for the challenge? Good, because the eating doesn’t get any better when it comes to blue grouse! It’s a big bird, with succulent, light-coloured meat.
To find late-season blues, it’s all about the right combination of habitats and elevations:
By the first week of October the broods begin to disperse and make their way up and up to their winter range. Late season is a definite challenge, but if you have the outdoor and mountain skills you might find hunting blues in winter worth the work.
Check the Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations for details at www.albertaregulations.ca.