Wild Game Heart

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The heart is a large, dense muscle in the middle of a big game animal’s chest. It is easy to locate below the lungs and can be extracted during field dressing.

Removing the heart:

  • Cut it away from the arteries and veins that hold it in place
  • Cut the vessels as close as possible to the top of the heart, exposing the ventricles
  • Turn the heart upside down to allow any excess blood or clots to drain

Handling the heart:

  • If hunting the late season, place the heart on snow to cool it fast
  • Carry resealable bags in your pack to store and keep the heart and other offal clean until they find their way to a fridge or cooler
  • Keep the heart clean, dry, and cool as soon as possible

Eating heart

A heart can be eaten fresh, and many hunters make it the first meal when an animal is harvested. You can cut it into strips, season, and fry it, or stuff it then bake or barbecue. Heart can also be pickled, smoked, deep-fried, or canned.

Since heart is dense, it heats quickly, so be careful not to overcook. The connective cords in the heart can be tough or chewy and should be trimmed with a sharp knife. 

Eating heart can be a psychological barrier to some. However, many hunters and cultures consider it the best cut of meat! If you haven’t yet, think about giving it a try the next time you harvest an animal.